A Passion For Community Broadband
The ethic of self-reliance is alive and well in small communities across America. Citizens and leaders in these towns and cities understand that meeting community needs requires community solutions.
Increasingly across our nation, one of those community needs that local action can meet is better broadband services. The economics of the telecommunications business means that large incumbent providers have little incentive to prioritize small towns' needs. In today's era of accelerating change in broadband needs, many communities have taken local action to ensure their long-term growth and vitality by building community-owned and operated broadband networks.
Your community's growth and success is your passion. Helping you achieve that growth and success with a community broadband project is our passion.
Increasingly across our nation, one of those community needs that local action can meet is better broadband services. The economics of the telecommunications business means that large incumbent providers have little incentive to prioritize small towns' needs. In today's era of accelerating change in broadband needs, many communities have taken local action to ensure their long-term growth and vitality by building community-owned and operated broadband networks.
Your community's growth and success is your passion. Helping you achieve that growth and success with a community broadband project is our passion.
Community Broadband Engagement and Education
Working with a team of experienced industry professionals, SmartSource Consulting has developed a new approach to community broadband feasibility studies that we call Community Broadband Engagement and Education. Using this approach, communities can explore citizen support for a possible community broadband project before committing tens of thousands of dollars for a full feasibility study and business case. During the Community Broadband Engagement and Education process, we:
ENGAGE community stakeholders in a conversation about their current broadband services and identify any deficiencies that exist
EDUCATE the community about the lasting benefits of fast, affordable, reliable, and ubiquitous broadband
MEASURE attitudes about incumbent broadband providers and community interest in a municipal broadband project
INFORM community leaders about how to approach the next steps in the community broadband process if they decide to move forward
EDUCATE the community about the lasting benefits of fast, affordable, reliable, and ubiquitous broadband
MEASURE attitudes about incumbent broadband providers and community interest in a municipal broadband project
INFORM community leaders about how to approach the next steps in the community broadband process if they decide to move forward